Writings on the struggle for workers unity and socialism

Month: May 2024

Cross-Community Labour Alternative press release: Gerry Cullen to stand in Fermanagh and South Tyrone

31 May 2024

Gerry Cullen is standing to offer Fermanagh-South Tyrone electorate an alternative of socialist politics and class unity

Cullen launches his Westminster election campaign at a fringe meeting held at the annual NIPSA conference in Enniskillen

Cross-community Labour Alternative (CCLA) candidate for the upcoming Westminster election in Fermanagh-South Tyrone constituency, Gerry Cullen, wants to offer a radical socialist alternative to the failed and divisive politics offered by green and orange establishment parties.

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May Day Leaflet 2024: A Voice for Labour

A Voice for Labour

On May Day we celebrate the unity of working people in our unions.

On January 18th we stood together when 150,000 workers took strike action for improved wages, better working conditions, and in defence of public services.

The strike illustrated better than any words the power of the trade union and labour movement which organises a quarter of a million people. Trade union members, their families and their supporters represent the majority of the population.  

January 18th is just one of many examples of campaigns which unite working people:

On many occasions trade union members have taken action to protest against threats and violence- most recently when bus drivers stopped work after attacks on their buses in 2019.

Campaigners against cuts have united local communities time and again, for example, the vibrant campaign opposing the downgrading of the Southwest Acute Hospital outside Enniskillen.

Young people have come together for action on climate change, for the rights of women, refugees and asylum seekers, and all minorities.

Whilst workers and young people are united in our unions and campaigns there is no broad political movement which represents our shared views.

We do not have a united, anti-sectarian voice at the ballot box.

“A Voice for Labour” has brought together activists who believe that this must change. The time is now.

Join the Conversation

We need a new political movement which unites working class and young people from all backgrounds.

We are committed to a process of discussion and organisation to ensure that in elections to the Local Councils, the Assembly, and to Westminster, there is a united, anti-sectarian left alternative on the ballot paper.

We believe that the time is now to begin the process of creating such a movement based on agreed principles:

  • We stand against division and base our politics on the proud tradition of the labour, socialist and trade union movement.
  • We are opposed to all cuts in health, education, and other public services, and oppose privatisation.
  • We support working class people in their struggles for better wages and conditions.
  • We are in favour of green policies to protect our environment, with alternative employment for those whose job would be under threat as a result.
  • We support the right of everyone to live a life free from discrimination, harassment, and violence.  

If you agree with us join the conversation.

Contact A Voice for Labour and become part of the solution: email secretary@voiceforlabour.org

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