Gerry Cullen Cross-community Labour candidate in Fermanagh-South Tyrone calls out environmental vandalism

What is happening at the Black Lough is replicated in the lakes and rivers throughout the South Tyrone and Fermanagh area

Fermanagh and South Tyrone Cross Community Labour Alternative (CCLA) candidate Gerry Cullen has highlighted the disgraceful pollution at one of Dungannon’s beauty spots, the Black Lough, and highlighted how it exemplifies the failure to enforce environmental and public health protections.

Gerry Cullen said, “I have been coming to this lake for over 60 years and I have never seen the Black Lough in such a sad and neglected condition. The lough is stinking and the authorities don’t care.”

Mr Cullen identified one of the causes of the extensive algal growth on the lake as a NI Water overflow pipe which continues to leak into the lake. Accusing the authorities of ‘environmental vandalism’, the Cross-Community Labour candidate stated “what is happening at the Black Lough is replicated in the lakes and rivers throughout the South Tyrone and Fermanagh area”. Gerry Cullen is demanding the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, the Department for Infrastructure, Mid-Ulster District Council and Northern Ireland Water “Get their fingers out and clean up the mess at the Black Lough”. He called for a fully-funded ‘Plan of Action’ to improve the lakes and rivers of the constituency.

The CCLA candidate also expressed his support for the people of Cabragh and Kileeshil in their battle with Northway Mushrooms to improve air quality and to get rid of what he called “the Stink that hangs over their area”. Mr Cullen works in the Cabragh/Killeeshil area and on some days, he says that the stench from this factory is ‘appalling’. Gerry Cullen asked “What is the point of having environmental protection laws if they aren’t applied and is it the case that our elected representatives are allowing big business to override the needs of our communities and the environment”.

Gerry Cullen claimed “our green and orange politicians are very happy to fight their sectarian battles while ignoring the needs of the people of Fermanagh-South Tyrone and turning a blind eye to the destruction of our environment. We need a radical cross-community Labour alternative.”